Obtaining your Tear Gas & Pepper Spray Training in Los Angeles through Luna's Security Training Academy is quick and easy!
Luna’s training security guard programs in Los Angeles allow you to learn as many as the skills necessary to be effective security personnel. However, you may also want to take additional courses so that you can stay safer while on the job and obtain more work opportunities.
If you’ll be working in any situation where there’s a violent threat, you may want to complete a tear gas and pepper spray training in Los Angeles. In California, security guards are permitted to carry pepper spray, but there are important rules and regulations that you must adhere such as:
1- Unless you have special classes and certification, You are not allowed to carry more than 2.5 oz of a gas canister.
2- California Penal Code §12403.5 requires that an individual holding specific types of special licenses can buy, own, or carry any gas weapon if it’s used for defensive purposes only.
3- Aside from having a license, you also need to enter and complete a full course on its usage which has been approved by the California Department of Consumer Affairs.