8 Tips for Successfully Passing Your Security Guard Exam in Los Angeles

August 8, 2024
tips for passing your security guard exam in LA

Getting your security guard card opens a world of opportunities to you, and you can go from looking for an out-of-the-box job to starting a remarkable career.

However, passing your security guard card training is a job in and of itself. The test isn’t meant to be incredibly easy. After all, you’re being put in a position where people’s safety might be on the line, and there’s always property value on the line regardless of what position you find yourself in.

So, were going to help you with passing your security guard training test to get you out of the classroom and into a fulfilling career.

Let’s get started.

1. Check Out the Test Location

This sounds silly, but you should head to the testing location well in advance and take a look around. Figure out where the sign-in desk is, what the test room is going to look like, and the process others are going through at the time you check it out.
It can be stressful walking into a new location with so much at stake and not knowing where anything is or what to expect. This simple tip will help prepare you for that.

Not to mention, youre about to start a career thats all about checking locations out and getting a feel for their layout and how they operate. It’s good practice for when you start your job.

2. Use Your Notes and Training Materials on Your Free Time

Don’t just leave your training for class hours. Take time out of your day and study on your own.

The best way to do this is to take notes during training and then work on memorizing those notes when you get home. You can also take any training materials you have and go over them several times on your own to ensure you have the information memorized.

This doesn’t just make you a better test taker, either. It also means you’ll be more informed about your job when you get hired somewhere. This leads to you being a better security guard, and your work environment is safer and more enjoyable for everyone.

3. Join Industry-Specific Groups

There are groups online for practically everything. You can find UPS employee subreddits dedicated to employees giving each other advice about their jobs. Consider finding groups like that for security guards in Las Angeles.

This is like getting a large group of experienced coworkers to share all their best information and discuss protocols before you even start the job.

Also, when you do pass your test and start your career, you can get further help from those groups.

4. Practice the Test

Did you know you can practice the test ahead of time? Well, you can’t practice the exact same test, but you can find practice tests online that contain most of the same information youre going to find on the real deal.

Take lots of those tests to ensure that you know what to expect. This also helps you remember a lot of information you might otherwise forget, and if you put yourself under pressure during practice, you can even ensure that you’re ready to ace the test in record time.

5. Make Study Aids

Study aids can be made from your notes and training materials, and they can be a great help when it comes to studying. Things such as flashcards are great for helping with memorizing information, and they’re easy to make. Not to mention, you only need to buy some index cards. So, it’s cheap to do, too.

6. Get Help from a Friend

Not everyone will have someone able to dedicate time and energy to this, but if you do, make sure to thank them and make the most of it.

One of the best things you can do is make some flashcards with test questions on one side and answers on the other and have a friend in control of shuffling them up and asking you the questions.

Not only does this work like normal flash cards and build up your memory, but it also gives you the ability to add an element of pressure.

You can easily have your friend enforce time limits for answers, keep you from randomly guessing, etc. By having someone there to hold you accountable and ensure youre trying to perform at your best, your study efforts can be a lot more effective.

7. Take Care of Yourself and Lower Stress

A big factor in how well you do is the state youre in when you take the test. If you’re exhausted, starving, and barely able to focus, your chances of succeeding are a lot lower. Considering the job you’re going into, that’s fitting. Because you need to be focused and healthy to succeed in the field, too.

However, if you get a good night’s sleep, eat properly to give yourself energy, keep you focused, and make sure to wake up and minimize your stress levels, your chances of succeeding are a lot higher. Just like they are when you’re on the job.

8. Start with the Best Training

Of course, you can do all these things, and you still won’t have a good chance at passing the test if you don’t go to the right training course. The training service you go to should be dedicated to ensuring you learn the right information for the area youre going to be working in, and they should put the utmost effort toward helping you succeed.

Going to anything less is a lot like getting your mechanic’s certification from a guy in his garage. Start with a proper school, and theyll make sure you know what you’re doing both for the test and for your career.

Apply for Luna’s Security Training Academy

Securing a California State Guard Card is a clear and straightforward process that thoroughly prepares you for a career in security. By following these steps, your journey to becoming a certified security professional can be as smooth and efficient as possible.

Before we conclude, let's emphasize that whether you’re embarking on a new career or transitioning from another field, obtaining your Guard Card has never been easier, especially with Luna Security Training Academy. With us, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Luna Security Training Academy, LLC (License - TFF 1499/TIF 2619), a premier security training provider in Los Angeles, is led by Marisela Luna, a veteran with over 20 years of experience in training and advising security professionals. We take pride in being a female-owned and minority-operated business.

As the top choice for security guard card training in LA and Orange County, we offer aspiring security professionals the chance to train to the highest standards. Our specialties include CPR/AED, firearm safety training, taser training, and handcuff training. ensuring our trainees meet the rigorous compliance standards set by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS).

Beyond training, we also offer professional security guard services for various events and needs. With Luna, you’ll receive comprehensive support and training to excel in your security career.